June 7, 2024

Volunteers’ Week 2024

It is volunteers’ week across the UK, whose aim is to celebrate those who selflessly give up their time to help others.

St Pauls Centre could not operate without its dedicated volunteers, from those who help run support groups, become trustees, clean tables, or those who make cups of tea for everyone. The Centre wishes to say a huge THANK YOU to all its volunteers, past, present, and future!

We profile one of our volunteers, Christine, who with others supports those with dementia. Christine often leads the dementia group as well as Fridays well-being group.

Every Thursday afternoon, the people with dementia sit together with several volunteer supporters to have a chat and laugh about old times, or engage in craft work, or listen to music. The carers go separately into the cafe to have a chat and a laugh over a cup of tea. A few weeks ago, Christine one of 3 volunteers, took the whole group into a tea dance in the main hall next-door. The photo below shows Christine at the tea dance with members of the dementia group. The whole group of volunteers and those with dementia enjoyed the afternoon of music and dance.

Christine says of her time volunteering with the dementia group:

“Being a volunteer at St Paul’s Centre is an absolute delight and a highlight of my week. It’s a supportive and encouraging environment, and as you can see from the photo, I get as much from it as I give, if not more.”

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Do you have time on your hands? If so, please get in touch.

St Pauls Centre volunteer helping at a tea dance for a dementia group