January 6 @ 09:30
09:30 — 11:30

Wellbeing Club (Art, Computing & Photography)

  • Our Wellbeing Clubs are Literacy and numeracy, Art, Computing, and Photography.

Art – 10am

Photography – 9:30am

For more information, please call us on 01388 813 404.

St Pauls Photography Group

The Photography Group was formed towards the end of 2017 as a platform for local, like minded enthusiasts, regardless of experience or background, to get together to talk about and practice their photography. The emphasis is on taking pictures rather than equipment used, so whether it’s a point n’ shoot, a phone or a more sophisticated camera, all are welcome.

We meet every Monday morning, 9.30 – 11.30 usually in the main hall but sometimes, weather permitting, outdoors somewhere. All members keep in touch, exchange photographs and chat via email.

All of the pictures in the gallery (select Photography Group under Gallery) reflect personal interests and the differing styles of our members.